Talk Cluttered to Me!

Let’s talk about clutter. We all have it and want to eliminate it but we just don’t know where to start. Let’s start with the box of papers in your office – you know the one that has your child’s last drawing from first grade – so cute right? Except that was ten years ago. It’s time to weed through and cull out unnecessary items that don’t have a purpose from each room. Put boxes out of site in an attic or storage; simplify the space. Taking one room at a time and focusing exclusively on that room will help you finish the task. In each room, evaluate each item as necessary, save/store or discard and separate the save/store or discard items into areas outside of the room. You will be amazed at how much you have accumulated that you really don’t need to hang on to anymore. It served its purpose and lived a good life – let it go. Kind of a catchy phrase isn’t it?

When potential buyers are previewing your home, make sure they are looking at structures and positive details about your home, not distractions of clutter and chaos. Presentation is everything!